SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS: Primary election votes counted in 21 states
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Trump secures GOP nomination in Oklahoma (SCREENSHOT/APNEWS)
16 states and one territory, American Samoa, voted for their respective party’s presidential nominees.
So far, both Trump and President Biden are racking up big wins across the nation. In Oklahoma, most of the votes are in, and former president Donald Trump is winning in a statewide landslide. Biden won with 73% of votes for the Democrat nomination in the state as well.
Nationally, Biden will need 1,968 delegates to win the Democrat nomination for president. He currently has 1,497 delegates.
Trump must earn 1,215 delegates out of 2,429 delegates to win the Republican nomination. He has 995 delegates.
Nikki Haley has officially dropped out of the GOP race after trailing Trump, with only 89 delegates.
Known as Super Tuesday, the day included votes from Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine,Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia that will select the presidential nominee.