Edmond Searches for Task Force Volunteers
The City of Edmond is looking for 17 volunteers for the Veteran Memorial Advisory Task Force to discuss and identify potential concepts and locations for an upcoming veterans memorial.
“We want Edmond citizens to understand the role that our veterans play in protecting our liberty and freedom,” said Casey Moore, City of Edmond marketing and public relations manager.
The City Council will be deciding on the appointments for the 17 volunteers during their July 23 meeting.
“Interest to serve on the committee has been strong, and we anticipate having around 100 applicants for the 17 spots,” Moore said.
To apply, applicants must live within the Edmond corporate city limits, commit to attending two meetings per month and complete the application on the City of Edmond website.
Moore said if students from the University of Central Oklahoma meet the criteria of an applicant, they can apply join VMATF as well, but the last day to apply is July 16.
“This new memorial is being pursued to properly recognize veterans of all conflicts in the past, present and future,” Moore said.
Those who are selected to serve on the task force will serve for approximately five months. The final decision on the concepts and locations of the memorial are expected to be in by Dec. 2, 2018.
Meeting times have not been decided upon yet, but once the City Council has appointed the 17 members of the task force, a meeting time will be decided on based on their availability.
Moore said the City Council is hopeful that the new task force will pursue a concept that is unique to the community.
“We have multiple other memorials that are either tied to one conflict or branches of service. We want something that is more comprehensive that will stand the test of time,” Moore said. “The process consists of soliciting the public to apply, having city council makes selections from those applicants, and ultimately appointing the task force.”
The cost and completion date of this project has not yet been determined, but Moore said that will be decided on once the recommendations of the task force are presented to the City Council.