UCO announces contingency plan
A contingency plan has been created for the University of Central Oklahoma in case reopening on Monday is unsuccessful.
If the plan is activated, faculty with in-person classes will continue via alternative instructional delivery until cleared to return to the classroom. Faculty will still have access to classroom technology to livestream lectures.
Online classes remain the same and updated guidelines will be provided on a class by class basis.
The fall semester will begin with in-person, online and extended classroom options. UCO requires all students, employees and visitors to wear a mask when around others, both indoors and outdoors, and practice physical distancing of at least 6 feet when possible.
UCO is taking many other steps to ensure a safe return to campus for the Broncho community, such as: replacing all the air filters, limiting traffic in the halls by restricting entrances and exits and expanding WiFi to certain parking lots.
However, all of the preventive measures can end up moot if COVID-19 cases begin to spike following the return.
If federal, state and local health officials deem the reopening unsafe, the university will essentially shift back into the Summer 2020 plan, entirely virtual.
The UCO website states,
“Based on recommendations from the University Cabinet, Department of Public Safety and/or the COVID-19 On-Call Task Force or based on action by the State of Oklahoma, the University President will make the decision to enact the contingency plan.”
Dining, Housing and facilities will remain open for students. However, residents may be moved to accommodate social distancing.
Ayers Kitchen will operate with modified hours and only serve to-go meals. Access to the library and Wellness Center will also experience new restrictions.
University events would continue under the guidelines of state and local government safety restrictions like mask mandates and social distancing.
Students and faculty in need of technology access or connectivity should contact the Office of Information Technology to inquire about equipment available for checkout.
This story was updated at 12:03 p.m. on 8/12/2020.