The first-ever Route 66 Balloon Festival in Oklahoma launched at Arcadia
Oklahoma’s first annual Route 66 Balloon Festival took place this past weekend in Arcadia, featuring hot air balloons, food vendors, live music, games and more.

From 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. from Friday to Sunday, hundreds of people, some even traveling from out of state, came to visit the historic Route 66 road to participate in this newly introduced festival.
Throughout each day that the event was happening, from the morning to the evening, multiple hot air balloons could be seen and heard launching into the air from the bigger of the two fields that the festival was taking place on.
At certain times, the balloons were even available to take tethered rides inside of, depending on if the weather was suitable for it.
“We wanted to do a special something for our granddaughter’s birthday, and this is where we picked to come. She’s very excited to ride in the hot air balloon,” said Melba Lynn, who traveled from Kansas City, Missouri to be there.
Those who joined the festival were also welcomed by dozens of vendors lined up on the west field; some of whom were selling things like food, clothing, art and collectables.
“I love all of these kinds of events because it’s so nice to be able to talk to new people. Some of the things they make that they want to sell are really great,” continued Lynn.

Near the end of the of the day’s event during the evening hours, people gathered and sat on the grass of the main field to watch as all of the balloons were being blown up once more for the festival’s “Balloon Glow” event, a special showcase in which the flames from the balloon’s burners were repeatedly shot into the inside of each balloon simultaneously, making them glow.
As the balloons were being blown up, multiple people, including the balloon’s pilot, were needed to ensure it was being inflated and set up properly.

This part of the day continued for about an hour, then all of the balloons were deflated and packed up to be used for the next morning’s launch.
Other activities present at the Route 66 Balloon Festival included helicopter rides provided by FlyTulsa Helicopters, some outdoor games such as cornhole and basketball, as well a section with bouncy castles for kids to play on.
In addition, one of the sponsors for the event, Chicken Shack, was also serving food throughout each day of the festival, with musicians even performing live for guests dining inside of the restaurant.