Proposal for new Fire Station goes before Edmond City Council
On Monday, Feb.28, Edmond’s Fire Chief, Chris Goodwin, went before Edmond’s City Council with the proposal for the addition of another fire station that would serve the Edmond area.
The proposed fire station would be built near West Sorghum Mill Rd. and North Kelly Ave., just north of Cross Timbers Elementary School.
Goodwin said, “We had actually done a fire station location study years ago that identified that area of town as needing a fire station.”
Why there?
Goodwin, in his proposal to the City Council, said, “Our goal is, by NFPA best practices, we want to be able to get an engine company on scene within four minutes.”
The area in which the proposed fire station would go would take several responses down from an eight to twelve minute average for arrival on scene down to a four to eight minute window.
So, why now?
Goodwin said, “When we bought that land, there was very little out there. That area has developed significantly, to the point that it’s time for us to move.”
How long before it’s operational?
Once the design is finalized and the contract for construction is agreed to, Goodwin estimates that the construction could take fourteen to sixteen months to build.
“We’re looking at best case scenario, about two years. More likely, it’ll be between two and three years before we can actually move in.”