The UCO School of Music’s Department of Musical Theatre has spent the semester adjusting to a new, old way of performing.
In hopes of offering actors and audiences the most safety and security from the potential spread of COVID-19, the department took things outdoors, much like the Ancient Greek and other historical civilizations. It presented all four of its fall productions in the courtyard of the College of Fine Arts and Design House located at 320 E. Hurd Street, across the street from Mitchell Hall.
The department previously staged Big Fish, The Apple Tree, The Musical Theatre New Broncho Showcase and ended the semester with last week’s production of Theory of Relativity.
Through all of the semester’s performances, the department saw students, faculty and staff learn lessons in discipline, adaptation on the fly and ultimately, rolling with the punches to bring to life successful, socially distanced and sold-out live theatre productions during a global pandemic.
The cast of Theory of Relativity performs a group number to a sold-out socially distanced audience on opening night. Theory of Relativity marks the fourth production the UCO School of Music’s Musical Theatre Department has presented this semester at the CFAD House Courtyard. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Joshua Thompson feigns sickness as he sings a song about ignoring severe allergies for the sake of love in Theory of Relativity. The final production for the fall semester ran from Nov. 18-21. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)MK Mackey(left) and Skylar Hemenway perform the song “The End of the Line” on opening night in the UCO Musical Theatre Production of Theory of Relativity. The show marked the fourth and final production, all performed outdoors, during the fall semester at UCO. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Auburn Kirkhart((left) and Jordan Harris look to each other in an emotional moment during their song “Great Expectations” in the UCO Musical Theatre production of Theory of Relativity. The production was the final in the Musical Theatre Department’s fall concert series . (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Logan Corley performs his solo “Footprint” in the UCO Musical Theatre production of Theory of Relativity. This production, the last of the fall semester, like the three before it, saw sold out crowds nightly. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Tyler Treat expresses frustration at “not having a technique for cake” in her monologue in Theory of Relativity. Treat played this role in the Wednesday and Friday performances of the four night run. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Pierson Van den Dyssel(top) and Ashley Raydon perform “Lipstick” from Theory of Relativity. The production was a song cycle, each number was capable of standing alone, but when presented together they formed a bigger picture. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Daniel Johnson(left) and Seth Paden share a moment during their performance of “Apples & Oranges” during Theory of Relativity. The outdoor production utilized some preexisting parts of the CFAD House Courtyard, including a tree and gazebo, for staging. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Maya Cook sings her solo “Me & Ricky.” Cook and her fellow performers brought the UCO production of Theory of Relativity to life before sold out, socially distanced audiences on all four nights last week. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Maura McMurray’s solo “Promise Me This” in Theory of Relativity told the story of a cherished mother-daughter relationship. The production was the final of four performed outdoors to socially distanced audiences this semester. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)Logan Wright(left) and Abby Morris’ characters in Theory of Relativity meet for a first date. Having completed the final production of the fall semester, UCO Musical Theatre looks ahead to spring 2021, hoping to move shows back indoors if COVID-19 safety protocols allow. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)The entire company of UCO Musical Theatre’s production of Theory of Relativity close out the show on opening night. The department of Musical Theatre plans to produce Sweet Charity, Rock of Ages, and Ain’t Misbehavin’ in the spring. (JaNae Williams/The Vista)