MCOM department replaces 23 computers with new iMacs
Cannon Chugon
Contributing Writer

The communications building at The University of Central Oklahoma has added 23 brand new computers Tuesday, which is exciting news for students and professors.
Media Lab 130 has been the student lab for years and has had its fair share of issues once the computers began to age.
Mark Scott stated “The other computers crashed a lot and were very slow. Definitely a necessary upgrade.”
The new computers are the Apple – iMac 24, which is the newest release of Mac computers. Along with the new computers, UCO has added Anker charging ports, also compatible with USB flash drives, a wireless mouse, and new keyboards.
Communications major Devin Kayo stated “The mouse is like a whole touchpad, and everything runs so much smoother… The new keyboard does have a scary button though. It’s a button that logs you out immediately so if I touch it before I save my work I could lose it.”
Milos Ajdinovic said “I’m so happy this morning. I have been so excited for the new computers as they are a needed upgrade. I thank Brad, Phyllis, and Amber for making all of this happen, and available for students…. The keyboard button that logs you out should be disabled soon, we have only had the computers for a few hours so I’m sure they will continue to fix issues.”
The new computers are a welcomed addition to the communications building and should help improve students in their work.