Large Potholes Concern Students
A large pothole in the parking lot north of the Liberal Arts building has some students questioning their safety.
“I think this pothole is serious. I don’t know how it came about, but it’s so deep that I avoid this pothole every time I pass it,” said senior Siyuan Su.
After Wednesday’s snow storm, the pothole was full of water. Passing cars swerved to avoid it, resulting in congestion because people couldn’t see how deep the water was.
“If a freshman drives here and doesn’t look at the pothole in the ground, there might be an accident,” said Su.
Jennifer Redwine, director of the parking and transportation services, says the unfilled pothole is due to a lack of funding.
“UCO had not increased parking permit rates in several years and TPS does not receive any state funding. Because of this, we have gotten very behind on parking lot maintenance,” Redwine said.
According to Redwine, TPS launched a parking improvement plan, which included raising 2019-2020 permit prices to $195.
“This increase is allowing us to start catching up where we have fallen behind,” Redwine said.
She said TPS had to decide between making major repairs and adding more parking spaces.
TPS ultimately spent $1.5 million adding over 300 parking spots and making a few necessary repairs.
Redwine said this summer TPS will start making repairs to the parking lots, fixing the worst potholes first. TPS plans to get all the lots back in good condition over the next five years.
Redwine said they have not had any reports of damage to vehicles.