Edmond and OKC extend mask mandates to 2021
The Edmond City Council voted to extend the existing ordinance requiring face masks in indoor public spaces through Feb. 28. The current Declaration of Emergency was also extended through the same date.
Oklahoma City’s requirement to wear masks was extended to Jan. 22 by the City Council Tuesday morning.
The Edmond City Council had been meeting virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic until Monday. The city’s Twitter was updated on Friday to elaborate.
The Oklahoma State Department of Health reports 177,874 positive cases of COVID-19 and 1,649 deaths, including 33,844 active cases.
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt met with President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris among 50 other mayors today via Zoom to discuss the pandemic and how to slow the spread locally.
The City Council’s decision to extend the mask mandate follows last week’s announcement from Gov. Kevin Stitt that all restaurants must ensure tables stay 6 feet apart or install “properly sanitized” dividers.
Also starting last week, all bars and restaurants will close at 11 p.m., except curbside and drive through windows may operate past curfew.
Holt has also taken an active effort to encourage people to stay home and wear their masks. Over the weekend he held a press conference in which he pleaded with Oklahoma residents to stay home for the next 10 days to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
The Tulsa City Council unanimously approved a mask mandate for ages 10 and up that expires Jan. 31 or when the mayor’s emergency orders expire.
Stillwater also extended its mask mandate until Feb. 28. While Norman’s mask mandate only lasts until Nov. 30 as of Monday night.
The Associated Press reported that despite pleas from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to skip Thanksgiving travel and not spend the holiday with people from outside their household, about 1 million people a day packed airports and planes over the weekend. The crowds are expected to grow.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
This article has been updated as of Nov. 24, 2020 10:42 a.m.