Autry and Errahmouni run unopposed for student government

Cooper Autry and Reda Errahmouni, who are running unopposed for student body government president and vice president, promise to prioritize diversity, student engagement, and kindness.
After March 26’s elections, Autry, a political science major and leadership minor, will serve as UCO’s 2024-2025 student body president alongside Errahmouni, a double major in finance and international business, as vice president.
Autry and Errahmouni’s objectives as student body leaders are to protect and value diversity and inclusion, student involvement and engagement, and kindness. Their campaign slogan is “Unite, Uphold, Uplift.”
“If elected, we will prioritize doing everything we can to protect our student organizations and university departments that provide crucial resources and a sense of community and belonging for all of our students,” the two students said in a joint social media statement.
Additionally, they intend to promote organizations on campus and encourage student participation in student government.
Autry said his involvement in multiple organizations on campus have shown him many things about the student body but also places to improve.
“My plan to do this is simple: unite, uphold, and uplift the student body,” Autry said.
Errahmouni expressed his deep love for the UCO community.
“I really have a lot of love for this campus and for the people of this campus,” Errahmouni said. “This is what drives me day in and day out to serve more and deliver more.”
Autry is a political science major, minoring in leadership. He served as the 2023-2024 vice chair of Congress, where he led Freshman Assembly teaching students about UCOSA. Outside of student government, he has involvement in the President’s Leadership Council, UCO Leadership Academy, the College of Liberal Arts’ student advisory board, Central Pantry and Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Autry has also won several awards, including the Outstanding Freshman Award in Spring 2023.
Errahmouni is double-majoring in finance and international business. He served as the 2023-2024 chair of the ways and means committee, where he determined annual budgets for UCO organizations. Outside of student government, he has involvement in the International Student Council, the Model United Nations club, and UCOSA. Errahmouni also won the Outstanding Freshman Award as well as the UCOSA Sunshine Award.
Autry and Errahmouni will succeed Saveion Adams and Lauren Harman as the next school year’s student body president and vice president.
UCO Student Association is the official student government organization for the campus. According to their website, UCOSA “works alongside University administration to conceptualize, plan, organize, and execute responses to student concerns.”
To provide more information about their objectives and goals, Autry and Errahmouni created a joint account on instagram @uco.autry.errahmouni.
Students will be able to vote on March 26th through UCORE.