Author: Kelly Clayton

Filing IRS forms can be taxing for college students

Filing IRS forms can be taxing for college students

Kelly Clayton- April 8, 2024

(AP/MARK LENNIHAN) If you’re expecting money back, you’ve likely already completed the process, but if you owe and still have yet to do so, it’s ... Read More

Student Programming Board Holds 10th Annual Glamazon
Campus, Entertainment

Student Programming Board Holds 10th Annual Glamazon

Kelly Clayton- April 3, 2024

UCO's Student Programming Board hosted their 10th Anniversary of their drag show -- Glamazon. UCentral's Kelly Clayton has the story. Read More

Opinion: Proselytizin’ Ain’t Easy
Campus, News

Opinion: Proselytizin’ Ain’t Easy

Kelly Clayton- April 1, 2024

(JARED BASHAW/FOR THE VISTA) While often only known by a quick sneaky glance through a peephole, or perhaps spotted ahead in the distance, motivating a ... Read More

‘Chokes and Barley’ wrestling event held in OKC brewery
News, Life

‘Chokes and Barley’ wrestling event held in OKC brewery

Kelly Clayton- March 16, 2024

While most patrons usually head into Lively Beerworks for a drink of the local beer, this past Saturday the brewery owned up to the "Lively" ... Read More

According to courts, officials and experts, voter fraud rarely happens
News, Politics

According to courts, officials and experts, voter fraud rarely happens

Kelly Clayton- March 8, 2024

Election fraud claims initiated by then-President Donald Trump and his allies began once results started pouring in on Nov. 3, 2020. Allegations began bouncing around ... Read More

What’s that smell?
News, Health

What’s that smell?

Kelly Clayton- February 23, 2024

If you commute into Edmond, you may have noticed something smells old. UCentral's Kelly Clayton has all the answers. Read More